Color Street bundle
New in packaging
Twosies available as well
$6 each; $25 for 5 or entire lot $200
*Deep Diving
*Blue Jean Baby
*Kissing Booth
*Mojave Gold
*Feeling Pine
*Snake My Day
*Swiss and Tell x 2
*Lacey Business
*All Wild Up
*At the Plaza
*Breaking Plaid
*Fortune Teller
*Wood You Rather?
*Strawberry Sunrise (pedicure)
*Toffee Nut
*Clear as Day
*Silver Lust
*Beijing Beauty
*Chelsea Ya Later
*Lavish Lavender
*How You Dune?
*Sleep Tight
*Road to Recovery
*Himalayan Salt
*Pop the Bubbly x2
*Aquatic Behavior
*Belgian Buttercup
*Cool Beans
*Polka Dot-Com
*Shamrockin’ and Rollin’
*Key West is Best
*Mermaid You Look
*Life of the Party